Routine cleaning and combating offensive odours is a constant challenge in care homes. One of the biggest harbours of offensive odours, and something that is often missed in the cleaning routine, is chairs, especially lounge and bedroom seating.
Remove body fluids and soiling immediately with absorbent cloth and wipe clean with a damp cloth. Apply approved infection control protocol.
Routinely wipe chairs with a microfibre cloth, lightly dampened with cold water, then dry with absorbent cloth to prevent build up of dirt.
As part of our Platinum Cleaning Plan, Spearhead recommends a weekly routine of cleaning all armchairs using our Platinum Perfumed Odestroy. By simply spraying all surfaces of the chair and wiping with a damp cloth, the Perfumed Odestroy not only does a fantastic job of deodorising the chair, but also disinfects all surfaces it comes in contact with, killing off any bacteria that causes offensive odours.
Spearhead also provides a Spot & Stain Remover, which is for the specific purpose of removing any stains on the upholstery. Simply spray the affected area on the chair and leave for 60 seconds before wiping clean; more stubborn stains may need to be left for longer and then agitated with a little brush or microfibre cloth.
For more adhoc industrial cleaning of Spearhead upholstered chairs, we recommend the use of a steam cleaner or the hand tool function of a carpet shampooer machine, for best results.