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Dementia Design

How can interior design influence the care and wellbeing of residents with dementia?

Interior design for dementia is a crucial aspect of inclusive design that focuses on creating environments that are accessible and usable for individuals with dementia. Designing for dementia is important as it promotes independence and autonomy, reducing stress and anxiety while enhancing the overall quality of life. It also supports cognitive function and fosters inclusivity by recognizing and addressing the unique needs and abilities of individuals with dementia.

Here are some key considerations and ways in which Spearhead can help:

Contrasting Seating

Incorporating contrasting cushions on your seating can emphasise where a resident should sit and contrast piping can help identify the different areas of a chair.

Stirling Bedroom Furniture

Our Stirling Bedroom Furniture has vision panels so residents can identify items in the drawer easily. The range has large visual handles which are easy to see and navigate.

Memory Boxes

Memory boxes with personal items can help trigger happy memories and discussion points.

Create Zones

Creating zones where each room has an identifying point e.g fireplaces in a lounge, a dresser in a dining area.

Carpet & Wall Colours

Colour differentiation to identify different spaces in the home e.g. walls and flooring. Avoiding dark colours. Pastel colours may be confusing. Primary colours red, yellow and blue are easier to identify.


Curtains with contrasting leading edges can help the resident identify the opening and closing points.

Avoid Mirrors

Residents may not recognise themselves in the mirror which may cause confusion and upset.